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Used for soft baskets, rourou, toys. Good for beginners as it is very soft to work with. A fine kete made from this had the appearance of soft kiekie. The strips were not boiled but dragged quickly through boiling water.
  Source Details
Cultivar No Source: Rene Orchiston  41
Source Source: Rene Orchiston  Tairawhiti (East Coast).
Description Source: Rene Orchiston

 A tall cultivar of Phormium cookianum. Slightly bendy, soft, medium green blades. Hardly any colour on the margins and keel (greenish-white). High flower stalks with yellow flowers and lightweight pendulous seed pods.

Notes Source: Rene Orchiston (Phormium cookianum)
Uses Source: Rene Orchiston  Used for soft baskets, rourou, toys. Good for beginners as it is very soft to work with. A fine kete made from this had the appearance of soft kiekie. The strips were not boiled but dragged quickly through boiling water.
Muka extraction Source: Katarina Tawiri  Small amount of muka extracts cleanly, but not so well towards tip of whenu. Very thin at tip, fibre often breaks. Para sticks. Fibre dull and fluffy.
Raranga - unboiled Source: Katarina Tawiri  Leaves stronger and thicker than Wharariki 62, darker, more upright. Whenu are not as slippery and shiny as other Phormium cookianum. Appearance very yellow-green.

Information sources

Source: Rene OrchistonRene Orchiston

Source: Katarina TawiriKatarina Tawiri