Beyond Myrtle Rust aims to study the behaviour, ecology and impacts of the disease myrtle rust in New Zealand.
New Zealand’s Predator Free 2050 initiative requires scientific breakthroughs to achieve 100% kills (i.e. eradication).
By transforming how we create, use and share evidence, our research aims to encourage and empower people to care for the environment.
Koekoeā / long-tailed cuckoo are declining, but traits that set them apart from most of our other forest birds may mask their vulnerabili...
With global biodiversity in freefall, research to prevent the decline of New Zealand’s unique bird species on the mainland– the kiwi, ker...
This 5-year Endeavour programme aims to give rural land managers confidence and agency to take early action to address complex environmen...
New Zealand wetlands sustain indigenous biota, filter nutrients, absorb floodwaters, and sequester carbon, providing multiple economic, s...
The ongoing capacity of soil ecosystems to maintain the services they provide is fundamental to our well-being.
Integrating trees to target zero carbon and add value to rural landscapes
Water Sensitive Urban Design or WSUD is an alternative to conventional forms of urban development. It uses natural soil and plant process...
Building biodiversity into an ecosystem service-based approach for resource management.
Bridging the gap between remote sensing and tree modelling with data science` is a joint New Zealand-Singapore Data Science research prog...
The Innovative Data Analysis programme overall goals were to research ways to integrate and harmonise high-priority heterogeneous land re...
Building resilience and provenance into an authentic Māori honey industry.
Despite decades of management and research by agencies and communities, kiwi populations are still at risk from predation by stoats, ferr...
This MBIE-funded research programme seeks to investigate and recommend practical changes to farm management practices.
Helping to meet national freshwater objectives for catchment management.
The Winning Against Wildings research programme seeks to develop and integrate new knowledge of the causes and consequence of wilding con...