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The Survey of Rural Decision Makers (SRDM) is the leading source of information on New Zealand’s primary sector. Conducted by Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research every two years, thousands of farmers, foresters, growers, and lifestyle block owners from Cape Reinga to Oban complete the survey. The Survey of Rural Decision Makers one of the largest and longest-running rural surveys in the world.

Building a better picture of decision making at the farm level

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Economics, social, and environmental data are integrated to provide research and advice for policy makers, industry, and individual respondents. The Survey of Rural Decision Makers tackles topics that are rarely reflected in official statistics or industry survey. The questionnaire is extensive and the subjects are wide-ranging, but smart survey design ensures that only relevant questions are seen by the respondent. Responses are confidential and all reporting is anonymous.

To acknowledge the time and expertise shared with us, we make a charitable contribution for each response we receive.

Key results sheets

Survey results

Summary results from the survey are shared on this website in ways that provide regional or industry sector snapshots of the information.  

Selected research outputs

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Key contacts