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Suzie Greenhalgh

Portfolio Leader - Society, Culture & Policy
Landscape Policy and Governance
Suzie Greenhalgh
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Daigneault A, Greenhalgh S, Samarasinghe O 2012. Economic impacts of GHG and nutrient reduction policies in New Zealand: a tale of two catchments. Proceedings: 56th Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (AARES) conference, Freemantle, 7-10 February 2012. Pp. 28.

Stringer A, Greenhalgh S 2012. Relational procurement: better contracting practices for operational research? . Proceedings: Inaugural Asia Pacific Science Policy Studies Research Conference: "Constructing National Wellbeing through Science & Innovation", Wellington, 8-10 February 2012. Pp. 24.

Samarasinghe O, Daigneault A, Greenhalgh S, Walcroft J, Montes de Oca Munguia O 2012. Impacts of farmer attitude on the design of a nutrient reduction policy - a New Zealand catchment case study. Proceedings: 56th Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (AARES) Conference, Fremantle, Western Australia, 8-10 February 2012. Pp. 62.

Greenhalgh S, Daigneault A, Samarasinghe O, Sinclair R 2012. Capitalizing on water and climate policies in the New Zealand agricultural and forestry sectors. The International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses 3(2): 15–32.

Kirschbaum MUF, Saggar S, Tate KR, Giltrap DL, Ausseil AGE, Greenhalgh S, Whitehead D 2012. Comprehensive evaluation of the climate-change implications of shifting land use between forest and grassland: New Zealand as a case study. Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 150: 123-138.

Greenhalgh S 2011. Regional council insights for fresh water management. 4 4 In: Russell S, Frame B, Lennox J ed. Old problems, new solutions: integrative research supporting natural resource governance. Lincoln, Manaaki Whenua. Pp. 30–38


  • Data and Quantification Technical Working Group for Greenhouse Gas Protocol Initiative on Product Accounting, World Resources Institute (WRI) Council for Sustainable Business