Peter Edwards

Griffith University Queensland
Lunds University
International Environmental Science
Lunds Universitet
Master of Science in International Environmental Science
University of British Columbia
University of British Columbia
Bachelors of Science
Kanowski P, Edwards P Early access Oct 2021. Forests under the Southern Cross: The forest environmental frontier in Australia and New Zealand. Ambio. WOS:000705768900004
Polyakov M, Edwards P, Kaine G, Burton M, Stahlmann-Brown P 2024. Evaluating incentives to encourage native afforestation on private lands in Aotearoa–New Zealand. Landscape and Urban Planning 244: 104979.
Stronge DC, Kannemeyer RL, Edwards P 2024. Building social licence to operate: A framework for gaining and maintaining meaningful, trustworthy relationships. Resources Policy 89. WOS:001153324900001
Kaine G, Edwards P, Polyakov M, Stahlmann-Brown P 2023. Who knew afforestation was such a challenge? Motivations and impediments to afforestation policy in New Zealand. Forest Policy and Economics 154. WOS:001046650900001
Yun Jie Lim SY, Bu Sung Lee, Peter Edwards 2023. A Study of the Ambient Noise in the Public Space on Campus and the Correlation Between the Campus Crowds’ Ambient Noise and the WiFi Log. Journal of Ubiquitous Systems & Pervasive Networks 18(1): 23-30.
Juhola S, Edwards P 2023. Handbook on Adaptive Governance. Chapter 7: Serious games as an adaptive governance method. Edward Elgar Publishing. 115-125 p
Edwards P, Brukas V, Brukas A, Hoogstra-Klein M, Secco L, Kleinschmit D 2022. Development of forest discourses across Europe: A longitudinal perspective. Forest Policy and Economics 135. WOS:000721585300005
Lim YJ, Yean S, Lee BS, Edwards P 2022. What Could Ambient Noise around Campus Tell Us? A Study on Campus Crowd Noise. Procedia Computer Science 201: 390-397.
Goh YS, Leong JW, Yean S, Lee B-s, Ngo KM, Edwards P 2022. A study on Singapore's vegetation cover and land use change using remote sensing. Proceedings: Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Spatial Big Data and AI for Industrial Applications, Seattle, Washington. Pp. Article 2.
Edwards P 2022. Barriers and enablers to rural landowners engaging in native afforestation. Pūtaiao - Manaaki Whenua science summary. Lincoln, NZ, Manaaki Whenua landcare Research NZ. Pp. 20.
Edwards P, Fleming A, Kelly R 2021. Responsible research and innovation and social licence to operate: aligning concepts for advancing marine innovation and development governance. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 49: 12-17. WOS:000755175200004
Edwards P 2021. Building social licence to operate. Pūtaiao - Manaaki Whenua science summary. Lincoln, NZ, Manaaki Whenua. Pp. 12-13.
Edwards P, Sprague R, Stahlmann-Brown P 2021. Removing invasive conifers-considerations, complexity and costs. Environmental Research Communications 3(7). WOS:000676029400001
Bayne K, Wreford A, Edwards P, Renwick A 2021. Towards a bioeconomic vision for New Zealand - Unlocking barriers to enable new pathways and trajectories. New Biotechnology 60: 138-145. WOS:000591724200019
Sinner J, Newton M, Barclay J, Baines J, Farrelly T, Edwards P, Tipa G 2020. Measuring social licence: What and who determines public acceptability of aquaculture in New Zealand? Aquaculture 521. WOS:000521282400053
Edwards P, Stahlmann-Brown P, Thomas S 2020. Pernicious pests and public perceptions: Wilding conifers in Aotearoa New Zealand. Land Use Policy 97. WOS:000558748500069
Edwards P 2020. Role playing: could this be the next way of thinking? Pūtaiao - Manaaki Whenua science summary. Lincoln, NZ, Manaaki Whenua. Pp. 16.
Bayne K, Radics R, Bezuidenhout C, Edwards P 2019. Beyond bioproducts production – enhancing bioeconomic value from forests. Proceedings: XXV IUFRO World Congress, Curitiba, Brazil, 29 September - 5 October 2019.
Edwards P, Grant-Smith D, Mayes R 2019. Rural communities, forestry and women. Proceedings: XXV IUFRO World Congress, Curitiba, Brazil, 29 September - 5 October 2019.
Edwards E, Pülzl H 2019. The SDGs, bioeconomy and forests: A nexus for global sustainability? Proceedings: XXV IUFRO World Congress, Curitiba, Brazil, 29 September - 5 October 2019.
Edwards P, Wreford A, Bayne K, Renwick A 2019. Politics of transition in the New Zealand bioeconomy. Proceedings: XXV IUFRO World Congress, Curitiba, Brazil, 29 September - 5 October 2019.
Velarde SJ, Barnard T, Warmenhoven T, Pohatu P, Sharma-Wallace L, Edwards P, Holt L, Dunningham A, King B, Coutts J 2019. Claim your seat at the table: Adaptive Governance Toolkit to bring community voices into catchment and commnity regeneration. Proceedings: XXV IUFRO World Congress, Curitba, Brazil, 29 September - 5 October 2019.
Bayne K, Edwards P, Payn T 2019. Trees in the landscape - maintaining forestry's social licence in a changing climate. Proceedings: ANZIF Conference 2019 "Communicating Forestry in the Connected Age"", Christchurch, New Zealand, 25-28 August 2019.
Edwards P, Sharma-Wallace L, Barnard T, Velarde SJ, Warmenhoven T, Fitzgerald G, Harrison D, Garrett L, Porou T, Pohatu P 2019. Sustainable livelihoods approaches to inform government-local partnerships and decision-making in vulnerable environments. New Zealand Geographer 75(2): 63-73. WOS:000481862200002
Edwards P, Sharma-Wallace L, Wreford A, Holt L, Cradock-Henry NA, Flood S, Velarde SJ 2019. Tools for adaptive governance for complex social-ecological systems: a review of role-playing-games as serious games at the community-policy interface. Environmental Research Letters 14(11). WOS:000503837400002
Flood S, Cradock-Henry NA, Blackett P, Edwards P 2018. Adaptive and interactive climate futures: systematic review of 'serious games' for engagement and decision-making. Environmental Research Letters 13(6). WOS:000434384700001
Flood S, Cradock-Henry NA, Blackett P, Edwards P 2018. Adaptive and interactive climate futures: systematic review of 'serious games' for engagement and decision-making. Environmental Research Letters 13(6). WOS:000434384700001
- Editorial Board Member , Society and Natural Resources
- Member, New Zealand Institute of Forestry
- Editorial Board Member, Forest Policy & Economics