Johannes Laubach

PhD Meteorology
MSc Physics
Beringer J, Moore CE, Cleverly J, Campbell DI, Cleugh H, De Kauwe MG, Kirschbaum MUF, Griebel A, Grover S, Huete A, Hutley LB, Laubach J, Van Niel T, Arndt SK, Bennett AC, Cernusak LA, Eamus D, Ewenz CM, Goodrich JP, Jiang MK, Hinko-Najera N, Isaac P, Hobeichi S, Knauer J, Koerber GR, Liddell M, Ma XL, Macfarlane C, McHugh ID, Medlyn BE, Meyer WS, Norton AJ, Owens J, Pitman A, Pendall E, Prober SM, Ray RL, Restrepo-Coupe N, Rifai SW, Rowlings D, Schipper L, Silberstein RP, Teckentrup L, Thompson SE, Ukkola AM, Wall A, Wang YP, Wardlaw TJ, Woodgate W Early access Mar 2022. Bridge to the future: Important lessons from 20 years of ecosystem observations made by the OzFlux network. Global Change Biology. WOS:000771631300001
Gray CW, McDowell RW, Graham SL, Hunt JE, Laubach J, Rogers GND, Carrick S, Whitehead D Early access Jul 2020. Phosphorus transport in subsurface flow from a stony soil under irrigated and non-irrigated lucerne. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. WOS:000555114000001
Sommera SG, Hafner SD, Laubach J, van der Weerden TJ, Leytem AB, Pacholski A 2022. Model for calculating ammonia emission from stored animal liquid manure. Biosystems Engineering 223: 41-55. WOS:000863985100004
Graham SL, Laubach J, Hunt JE, Mudge PL, Nunez J, Rogers GND, Buxton RP, Carrick S, Whitehead D 2022. Irrigation and grazing management affect leaching losses and soil nitrogen balance of lucerne. Agricultural Water Management 259. WOS:000711635400004
Liang LL, Kirschbaum MUF, Giltrap DL, Hunt JE, Laubach J 2021. Could patterns of animal behaviour cause the observed differences in soil carbon between adjacent irrigated and unirrigated pastures? Science of the Total Environment 772. WOS:000628753700049
Cleverly J, Vote C, Isaac P, Ewenz C, Harahap M, Beringer J, Campbell DI, Daly E, Eamus D, He L, Hunt J, Grace P, Hutley LB, Laubach J, McCaskill M, Rowlings D, Jonker SR, Schipper LA, Schroder I, Teodosio B, Yu Q, Ward PR, Walker JP, Webb JA, Grover SPP 2020. Carbon, water and energy fluxes in agricultural systems of Australia and New Zealand. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 287. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000531095900007
Giltrap DL, Kirschbaum MUF, Laubach J, Hunt JE 2020. The effects of irrigation on carbon balance in an irrigated grazed pasture system in New Zealand. Agricultural Systems 182. WOS:000539094200022
Cleverly J, Vote C, Isaac P, Ewenz C, Harahap M, Beringer J, Campbell DI, Daly E, Eamus D, He L, Hunt J, Grace P, Hutley LB, Laubach J, McCaskill M, Rowlings D, Jonker SR, Schipper LA, Schroder I, Teodosio B, Yu Q, Ward PR, Walker JP, Webb JA, Grover SPP 2020. Carbon, water and energy fluxes in agricultural systems of Australia and New Zealand. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 287. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000531095900007
Giltrap DL, Kirschbaum MUF, Laubach J, Hunt JE 2020. The effects of irrigation on carbon balance in an irrigated grazed pasture system in New Zealand. Agricultural Systems 182. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000539094200022
Graham SL, Laubach J, Hunt JE, Eger A, Carrick S, Whitehead D 2019. Predicting soil water balance for irrigated and non-irrigated lucerne on stony, alluvial soils. Agricultural Water Management 226. WOS:000525274200015
Gentile R, Ward R, McMillan A, Hunt J, Laubach J 2019. Quantifying carbon and water fluxes in a New Zealand vineyard using eddy covariance. Proceedings: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, CA, USA, 9-13 December 2019.
Laubach J, Hunt JE, Graham SL, Buxton RP, Rogers GND, Mudge PL, Carrick S, Whitehead D 2019. Irrigation increases forage production of newly established lucerne but enhances net ecosystem carbon losses. Science of the Total Environment 689: 921-936. WOS:000482379400089
Laubach J, Hunt JE 2018. Greenhouse-gas budgets for irrigated dairy pasture and a winter-forage kale crop. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 258: 117-134. WOS:000436218600014
Owens J, Clough TJ, Laubach J, Hunt JE, Venterea RT 2017. Nitrous oxide fluxes and soil oxygen dynamics of soil treated with cow urine. Soil Science Society of America Journal 81(2): 289–298.
Owens J, Clough TJ, Laubach J, Hunt JE, Venterea RT, Phillips RL 2016. Nitrous oxide fluxes, soil oxygen, and denitrification potential of urine- and non-urine-treated soil under different irrigation frequencies. Journal of Environmental Quality 45(4): 1169–1177.
Hunt JE, Laubach J, Barthel M, Fraser A, Phillips RL 2016. Carbon budgets for an irrigated intensively grazed dairy pasture and an unirrigated winter-grazed pasture. Biogeosciences 13: 2927–2944.
Móring A, Vieno M, Doherty RM, Laubach J, Taghizadeh-Toosi A, Sutton MA 2016. A process-based model for ammonia emission from urine patches, GAG (Generation of Ammonia from Grazing): description and sensitivity analysis Biogeosciences 13: 1837–1861.
Laubach J, Barthel M, Fraser A, Hunt JE, Griffith DWT 2016. Combining two complementary micrometeorological methods to measure CH4 and N2O fluxes over pasture. Biogeosciences 13(4): 1309–1327.
Pinares-Patiño CS, Franco FE, Molano G, Kjestrup H, Sandoval E, MacLean S, Battistotti M, Koolaard J, Laubach J 2016. Feed intake and methane emissions from cattle grazing pasture sprayed with canola oil. Livestock Science 184: 7–12.
Mukherjee S, McMillan AMS, Sturman AP, Harvey MJ, Laubach J 2015. Footprint methods to separate N2O emission rates from adjacent paddock areas. International Journal of Biometeorology 59(3): 325–338.
Laubach J, Heubeck S, Pratt C, Woodward KB, Guieysse B, van der Weerden TJ, Chung ML, Shilton AN, Craggs RJ 2015. Review of greenhouse gas emissions from the storage and land application of farm dairy effluent. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 58(2): 203–233.
Laubach J, Grover SPP, Pinares-Patiño CS, Molano G 2014. A micrometeorological technique for detecting small differences in methane emissions from two groups of cattle. Atmospheric Environment 98: 599–606.
McMillan AMS, Harvey MJ, Martin RJ, Bromley AM, Evans MJ, Mukherjee S, Laubach J 2014. The detectability of nitrous oxide mitigation efficacy in intensively grazed pastures using a multiple-plot micrometeorological technique. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 7: 1169–1184.
Laubach J, Bai M, Pinares-Patiño CS, Phillips FA, Naylor TA, Molano G, Cárdenas Rocha EA, Griffith DWT 2013. Accuracy of micrometeorological techniques for detecting a change in methane emissions from a herd of cattle. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 176: 50-63.
Laubach J, Taghizadeh-Toosi A, Gibbs SJ, Sherlock RR, Kelliher FM, Grover SPP 2013. Ammonia emissions from cattle urine and dung excreted on pasture. Biogeosciences 10: 327-338.
Laubach J, Taghizadeh-Toosi A, Sherlock RR, Kelliher FM 2012. Measuring and modelling ammonia emissions from a regular pattern of cattle urine patches. Agricultural and forest meteorology 156(0): 1-17.
Giltrap DL, Saggar S, Singh J, Harvey M, McMillan AMS, Laubach J 2012. Field-scale verification of nitrous oxide emission reduction with DCD in dairy-grazed pasture using measurements and modelling. Soil research 49(8): 696-702.
Barbour MM, Hunt JE, Kodama N, Laubach J, McSeveny TM, Rogers GND, Tcherkez G, Wingate L 2011. Rapid changes in delta 13C of ecosystem-respired CO(2) after sunset are consistent with transient 13C enrichment of leaf respired CO(2). New Phytologist 190(4): 990-1002. WOS:000290449600019
Laubach J 2010. Testing of a Lagrangian model of dispersion in the surface layer with cattle methane emissions. Agricultural and forest meteorology 150(11): 1428-1442.
Laubach J, McNaughton K 2009. Scaling properties of temperature spectra and heat-flux cospectra in the surface friction layer beneath an unstable outer layer. Boundary-layer meteorology 133(2): 219-252. CCC:000271539600004
Laubach J, Kelliher FM, Knight TW, Clark H, Molano G, Cavanagh A 2008. Methane emissions from beef cattle - a comparison of paddock-and animal-scale measurements. Australian journal of experimental agriculture 48(1-2): 132-137.
Laubach J, Kelliher FM 2005. Measuring methane emission rates of a dairy cow herd II: results from a backward-Lagrangian stochastic model. Agricultural and forest meteorology 129(3-4): 137-150.
Laubach J, Kelliher FM 2005. Methane emissions from dairy cows: comparing open-path laser measurements to profile-based techniques. Agricultural and forest meteorology 135: 340-345.
Laubach J, Kelliher FM 2004. Measuring methane emission rates of a dairy cow herd by two micrometeorological techniques. Agricultural and forest meteorology 125(3-4): 279-303.
Laubach J, Fritsch H 2002/6/30. Convective boundary layer budgets derived from aircraft data. Agricultural and forest meteorology 111(4): 237-263.
- Editor, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (Elsevier)