Jo Cavanagh

James Cook
PhD Chembiological
Cavanagh J-A, Trought K, Brown L 2009. Chemical composition of particulates emitted from individual sources compared with ambient air particulates. Proceedings: 19th International Clean Air and Environment Conference Perth Convention Exhibition Centre, Perth, W.A., 6-9 September, 2009. Pp. [CDROM].
Cavanagh J-A, Trought K, Brown L 2009. Relative toxicity of particulates emitted from individual sources and ambient air particulates. Proceedings: 19th International Clean Air and Environment Conference Perth Convention Exhibition Centre, Perth, W.A., 6-9 September, 2009. Pp. [CDROM].
Cavanagh JAE, Trought K, Brown L, Duggan S 2009. Exploratory investigation of the chemical characteristics and relative toxicity of ambient air particulates from two New Zealand cities. Science of the total environment 407(18): 5007-5018. CABI:20093230911
Frame B, Cavanagh J 2009. Experiences of sustainability assessment: An awkward adolescence. Accounting Forum(33): 195-208.
- Invited to the Editorial Board (ongoing), Journal of Human and Ecological Risk Assessment