Donna Giltrap

PhD Physics
MSc Physics
BSc (Hons) Physics
Giltrap DL, Ausseil A-GE 2016. Upscaling NZ-DNDC using a regression based meta-model to estimate direct N2O emissions from New Zealand grazed pastures. Science of the Total Environment 539: 221–230.
Giltrap DL, Godfrey AJR 2016. The effects of spatial variability of nitrous oxide emissions from grazed pastures on the sampling distribution of chamber measurements. Journal of Agricultural Science 154(2): 223–241.
Giltrap DL, Vogeler I, Cichota R, Luo J, van der Weerden TJ, de Klein CAM 2015. Comparison between APSIM and NZ-DNDC models when describing N-dynamics under urine patches. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 58(2): 131–155.
Saggar S, Giltrap DL, Davison R, Gibson R, de Klein CAM, Rollo M, Ettema P, Rys G 2015. Estimating direct N2O emissions from sheep, beef, and deer grazed pastures in New Zealand hill country: accounting for the effect of land slope on the N2O emission factors from urine and dung. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 205: 70–78.
Kim D-G, Giltrap DL, Saggar S, Hanly JA 2014. Field studies assessing the effect of dicyandiamide (DCD) on N transformations, pasture yields, N2O emissions and N-leaching in the Manawatu region. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 57(4): 271–293.
Giltrap DL, Berben P, Palmada T, Saggar S 2014. Understanding and analysing spatial variability of nitrous oxide emissions from a grazed pasture. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 186: 1–10.
Kelliher FM, Cox N, van der Weerden TJ, de Klein CAM, Luo J, Cameron KC, Di HJ, Giltrap D, Rys G 2014. Statistical analysis of nitrous oxide emission factors from pastoral agriculture field trials conducted in New Zealand. Environmental Pollution 186: 63–66.
Kim D-G, Giltrap D, Hernandez-Ramirez G 2013. Background nitrous oxide emissions in agricultural and natural lands: a meta-analysis. Plant and Soil 373(1–2): 17–30.
Kirschbaum MUF, Saggar S, Tate KR, Thakur KP, Giltrap DL 2013. Quantifying the climate-change consequences of shifting land use between forest and agriculture. Science of the Total Environment 465: 314–324.
Kim D-G, Hernandez-Ramirez G, Giltrap D 2013. Linear and nonlinear dependency of direct nitrous oxide emissions on fertilizer nitrogen input: a meta-analysis. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 168: 53–65.
Kirschbaum MUF, Saggar S, Tate KR, Giltrap DL, Ausseil AGE, Greenhalgh S, Whitehead D 2012. Comprehensive evaluation of the climate-change implications of shifting land use between forest and grassland: New Zealand as a case study. Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 150: 123-138.
Giltrap DL, Saggar S, Singh J, Harvey M, McMillan AMS, Laubach J 2012. Field-scale verification of nitrous oxide emission reduction with DCD in dairy-grazed pasture using measurements and modelling. Soil research 49(8): 696-702.
Kim D-G, Giltrap D, Saggar S, Palmada T, Berben P, Drysdale D 2012. Fate of the nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide (DCD) sprayed on a grazed pasture: effect of rate and time of application. Soil research 50(4): 337-347.
Kim D-G, Palmada T, Berben P, Giltrap D, Saggar S 2011. Seasonal variations in the degradation of a nitrification inhibitor, dicyandiamide (DCD), in a Manawatu grazed pasture soil. In: Currie LD, Christensen CL ed. Proceedings: Adding to the Knowledge Base for the Nutrient Manager: 24th Annual Fertilizer & Lime Research Centre Workshop, Palmerston North, New Zealand, 8-10 February 2011. Pp. 7.
Vogeler I, Giltrap D, Li F, Snow V 2011. Comparison of models for predicting nitrification, denitrification and nitrous oxide emissions in pastoral systems. In: Chan F, Marinova D, Anderssen RS ed. Proceedings: MODSIM2011, 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Perth, 12-16 December 2011. Pp. 884–890.
Giltrap DL, Thakur KP, Ausseil A-G 2011. Sensitivity analysis of emission factors for regional-scale nitrous oxide emissions estimates using NZ-DNDC. In: Chan F, Marinova D, Anderssen RS ed. Proceedings: MODSIM2011, 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Perth, 12-16 December 2011. Pp. 2606–2612.
Thakur KP, Giltrap D, Ausseil A-G, Saggar S, Raj A 2011. Beyond the logistic growth model for nitrous oxide emission factors from agricultural soils. Proceedings: International Conference on Sensing Technology, Palmerston North, 28th November- 1st December 2011. Pp. 399–404.
Muñoz C, Saggar S, Berben P, Giltrap DL, Jha N 2011. Influence of waiting time after insertion of base chamber into soil on produced greenhouse gas fluxes. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 71(4): 610–614.
Giltrap DL, Li C, Saggar S 2010. DNDC: A process-based model of greenhouse gas fluxes from agricultural soils. Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 136(3-4): 292-300.
Giltrap DL, Singh J, Saggar S, Zaman M 2010. A preliminary study to model the effects of a nitrification inhibitor on nitrous oxide emissions from urine-amended pasture. Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 136(3-4): 310-317.
Giltrap D, Saggar S, Li CS, Wilde H 2008. Using the NZ-DNDC model to estimate agricultural N2O emissions in the Manawatu-Wanganui region. Plant and Soil 309(1-2): 191-209. ISI:000257583900012
Saggar S, Tate KR, Giltrap DL, Singh J 2008. Soil-atmosphere exchange of nitrous oxide and methane in New Zealand terrestrial ecosystems and their mitigation options: a review. Plant and Soil 309(1-2): 25-42. WOS:000257583900003
Saggar S, Giltrap DL, Li C, Tate KR 2007. Modelling nitrous oxide emissions from grazed grasslands in New Zealand. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 119(1-2): 205-216.
Saggar S, Hedley CB, Giltrap DL, Lambie SM 2007. Measured and modelled estimates of nitrous oxide emission and methane consumption from a sheep-grazed pasture. Agriculture ecosystems and environment 122(3): 357-365.
- Member of New Zealand Soil Science Society
- Moderator of Global DNDC Researchers Network email list, Global DNDC Researchers Network
- Member of Editorial Advisory Board, Agricultural Systems
- Member of the Editorial Board of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment