Dean Anderson
Research interests
Role at Landcare Research
Research Scientist in Spatial modelling of disease and pest vertebrates in New Zealand. Wildlife Ecology and Management team, Landcare Research, Lincoln.
Research interests
- Spatiotemporal population dynamics
- Surveillance-data modelling of wildlife disease and low-density populations
- Animal movements
- Hierarchical Bayesian modelling
Professional affiliations
2007- | Ecological Society of New Zealand |
Recent publications
Anderson DP, Gormley AM, Ramsey DSL, Baxter PWJ, Nugent G, Martin PAJ, Bosson M, Livingstone P, Byrom AE 2017. A bio-economic decision process for in broadscale eradications of invasive pests and disease. Biological Invasions DOI 10.1007/s10530-017-1490-5.
Gormley A, Anderson D, Nugent G 2017. Cost‐based optimization of the stopping threshold for local disease surveillance during progressive eradication of tuberculosis from New Zealand wildlife. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases.
Glen AS, Latham MC, Anderson DP, Leckie C, Niemiec R, Pech R, Byrom AE 2017. Landholder participation in regional-scale control of invasive predators: an adaptable landscape model. Biological Invasions 19: 329-338.
Anderson DP, McMurtrie P, Edge K-A, Baxter PWJ, Byrom AE 2016. Inferential and forward projection modeling to evaluate options for controlling invasive mammals on islands. Ecological Applications 26: 2548-2559.
Glen AS, Anderson DP, Veltman CJ, Garvey PM, Nichols M 2016. Wildlife detector dogs and camera traps: a comparison of techniques for detecting feral cats. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 43: 127-137.
Gormley AM, Holland EP, Barron MC, Anderson DP, Nugent G 2016. A modelling framework for predicting the optimal balance between control and surveillance effort in the local eradication of tuberculosis in New Zealand wildlife. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 125: 10-18.
Rouco C, Norbury GL, Anderson DP 2016. Movements and habitat preferences of pests help to improve population control: the case of common brushtail possums in a New Zealand dryland ecosystem. Pest Management Science 73: 287-294.
Russell JC, Binnie HR, Oh J, Anderson DP, Samaniego-Herrera A 2016. Optimizing confirmation of invasive species eradication with rapid eradication assessment. Journal of Applied Ecology 54: 160-169.
Vall-llosera M, Woolnough AP, Anderson DP, Cassey P 2016. Improved surveillance for early detection of a potential invasive species: the alien Rose-ringed Parakeet Psittacula krameri in Australia. Biological Invasions DOI 10.1007/s10530-016-1332-x.
Ward DF, Anderson DP, Barron MC 2016. Using spatially explicit surveillance models to provide confidence in the eradication of an invasive ant. Scientific Reports 6: 34953.
PhD Zoology
Puget Sound
BSc Physical Therapy
Gormley AM, Anderson DP, Nugent G 2018. Cost-based optimization of the stopping threshold for local disease surveillance during progressive eradication of tuberculosis from New Zealand wildlife. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 65(1): 186–196.
Rouco C, Norbury GL, Anderson DP 2017. Movements and habitat preferences of pests help to improve population control: the case of common brushtail possums in a New Zealand dryland ecosystem. Pest Management Science 73(2): 287–294.
Vall-llosera M, Woolnough AP, Anderson D, Cassey P 2017. Improved surveillance for early detection of a potential invasive species: the alien rose-ringed parakeet Psittacula krameri in Australia. Biological Invasions 19(4): 1273–1284.
Russell JC, Binnie HR, Oh J, Anderson DP, Samaniego-Herrera A 2017. Optimizing confirmation of invasive species eradication with rapid eradication assessment. Journal of Applied Ecology 54(1): 160–169.
Glen AS, Latham MC, Anderson D, Leckie C, Niemiec R, Pech RP, Byrom AE 2017. Landholder participation in regional-scale control of invasive predators: an adaptable landscape model. Biological Invasions 19(1): 329–338.
Anderson DP, Gormley AM, Ramsey DSL, Nugent G, Martin PAJ, Bosson M, Livingstone P, Byrom AE 2017. Bio-economic optimisation of surveillance to confirm broadscale eradications of invasive pests and diseases. Biological Invasions 19(10): 2869–2884.
Ward DF, Anderson DP, Barron MC 2016. Using spatially explicit surveillance models to provide confidence in the eradication of an invasive ant. Scientific Reports 6: 34953.
Glen AS, Anderson D, Veltman CJ, Garvey PM, Nichols M 2016. Wildlife detector dogs and camera traps: a comparison of techniques for detecting feral cats. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 43(2): 127–137.
Anderson DP, McMurtrie P, Edge KA, Baxter PWJ, Byrom AE 2016. Inferential and forward projection modeling to evaluate options for controlling invasive mammals on islands. Ecological Applications 26(8): 2546–2557.
Byrom AE, Anderson DP, Coleman M, Thomson C, Cross ML, Pech RP 2015. Assessing movements of brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) in relation to depopulated buffer zones for the management of wildlife tuberculosis in New Zealand. PLOS One 10(12): e0145636.
Cruz J, Woolmore C, Latham MC, Latham ADM, Pech RP, Anderson DP 2015. Seasonal and individual variation in selection by feral cats for areas with widespread primary prey and localised alternative prey. Wildlife Research 41(8): 650–661.
Smith DHV, Clayton R, Anderson D, Warburton B 2015. Using home-range data to optimise the control of invasive animals. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 39(2): 286–290.
Buxton RT, Anderson D, Moller H, Jones CJ, Lyver POB 2015. Release of constraints on nest-site selection in burrow-nesting petrels following invasive rat eradication. Biological Invasions 17(5): 1453–1470.
Latham ADM, Latham MC, Anderson DP, Cruz J, Herries D, Hebblewhite M 2015. The GPS craze: six questions to address before deciding to deploy GPS technology on wildlife. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 39(1): 143–152.
Anderson DP, Ramsey DSL, De Lisle GW, Bosson M, Cross ML, Nugent G 2015. Development of integrated surveillance systems for the management of tuberculosis in New Zealand wildlife. New Zealand Veterinary Journal 63(supplement 1): 89–97.
Samaniego-Herrera A, Anderson DP, Parkes JP, Aguirre-Muñoz A 2013. Rapid assessment of rat eradication after aerial baiting. Journal of Applied Ecology 50(6): 1415–1421.
Cruz J, Sutherland DR, Anderson DP, Glen AS, de Tores PJ, Leung LK-P 2013. Antipredator responses of koomal (Trichosurus vulpecula hypoleucus) against introduced and native predators. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67(8): 1329–1338. ISI:000321964800013
Norbury G, Byrom AE, Pech R, Smith J, Clarke D, Anderson DP, Forrester G 2013. Invasive mammals and habitat modification interact to generate unforeseen outcomes for indigenous fauna. Ecological Applications 23(7): 1707–1721.
Anderson DP, Turner MG, Pearson SM, Albright TP, Peet RK, Wieben A 2013. Predicting Microstegium vimineum invasion in natural plant communities of the southern Blue Ridge Mountains, USA. Biological invasions 15(6): 1217-1230. CCC:000318811400006
Anderson DP, Ramsey DSL, Nugent G, Bosson M, Livingstone P, Martin PAJ, Sergeant E, Gormley AM, Warburton B 2013. A novel approach to assess the probability of disease eradication from a wild-animal reservoir host. Epidemiology and infection 141(7): 1509-1521.
Donner DM, Anderson D, Eklund D, St. Pierre M 2013. Large-scale forest composition influences northern goshawk nesting in Wisconsin. Journal of wildlife management 77(3): 495-504.
Sturtevant BR, Achtemeier GL, Charney JJ, Anderson DP, Cooke BJ, Townsend PA 2013. Long-distance dispersal of spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana Clemens) in Minnesota (USA) and Ontario (Canada) via the atmospheric pathway. Agricultural and forest meteorology 168: 186-200.
Parkes JP, Anderson D 2011. What is required to eradicate red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) from Tasmania? In: Veitch CR, Clout MN, Towns DR ed. Proceedings: Island invasives : eradication and management : proceedings of the International Conference on Island Invasives, Gland, Switzerland, 2011. Pp. 477–480.
Anderson D, Sturtevant B 2011. Pattern analysis of eastern spruce budworm Choristoneura fumiferana dispersal. Ecography 34(3): 488-497.
Pech R, Byrom AE, Anderson D, Thomson C, Coleman M 2010. The effect of poisoned and notional vaccinated buffers on possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) movements : minimising the risk of bovine tuberculosis spread from forest to farmland. Wildlife research 37: 283-292.
Rooney TP, Anderson DP 2009. Are wolf-mediated trophic cascades boosting biodiversity in the Great Lakes region? 13 13 In: Wydeven AP, Van Deelen TR, Heske EJ ed. Recovery of gray wolves in the Great Lakes region of the United States : an endangered species success story. New York, Springer. Pp. 205-216
Albright TP, Anderson DP, Keuler NS, Pearson SM, Turner MG 2009. The spatial legacy of introduction: Celastrus orbiculatus in the southern Appalachians, USA. Journal of applied ecology 46(6): 1229-1238. CCC:000272193300011
Anderson DP, Forester JD, Turner MG 2008. When to slow down: Elk residency rates on a heterogeneous landscape. Journal of mammalogy 89(1): 105-114.
- Associate Editor Landscape Ecology, Landscape Ecology
- Associate Editor for Wildlife Biology, Wildlife Biology