Research interests
- Peatland vegetation functioning and restoration
- Petland monitoring, delineation, and significance assessment
- Rare ecosystem dynamics and threats
A full list of publications: Google Scholar citations
PhD Restiad Bog Development
MSc Botany
College of Education CHCH
BSc Botany
Wagstaff S, Clarkson B 2012. Systematics and ecology of the Australasian genus Empodisma (Restionaceae) and description of a new species from peatlands in northern New Zealand. PhytoKeys 13: 39–79. https://doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.13.3259
Richardson SJ, Williams PA, Mason NWH, Buxton RP, Courtney SP, Rance BD, Clarkson BR, Hoare RJB, St. John MG, Wiser SK 2012. Rare species drive local trait diversity in two geographically disjunct examples of a naturally rare alpine ecosystem in New Zealand. Journal of Vegetation Science 23(4): 626-639. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1654-1103.2012.01396.x
Clarkson BR, Smale MC, Williams PA, Wiser SK, Buxton RP 2011. Drainage, soil fertility and fire frequency determine composition and structure of gumland heaths in northern New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 35(1): 96-113. WOS:000288229400010
Peters M, Clarkson B 2010. Goals & objectives. 6 6 In: Peters M, Clarkson B ed. Wetland restoration : a handbook for New Zealand freshwater systems. Lincoln, Manaaki Whenua Press. Pp. 60-71
Wiser SK, Buxton RP, Clarkson BR, Richardson SJ, Rogers GM, Smale MC, Williams PA 2010. Climate, landscape and microenvironment interact to determine plant composition in naturally discrete gravel beach communities. Journal of vegetation science 21(4): 657-671.
Clarkson B 2010. Monitoring. In: Peters M, Clarkson B ed. Wetland restoration : a handbook for New Zealand freshwater systems. Lincoln, Manaaki Whenua Press. Pp. 242-261
Clarkson B, Peters M 2010. Revegetation. In: Peters M, Clarkson B ed. Wetland restoration : a handbook for New Zealand freshwater systems. Lincoln, Manaaki Whenua Press. Pp. 154-183
Clarkson B, Peters M 2010. Wetland types. In: Peters M, Clarkson B ed. Wetland restoration : a handbook for New Zealand freshwater systems. Lincoln, Manaaki Whenua Press. Pp. 26-37
Peters M, Clarkson B ed. 2010. Wetland restoration : a handbook for New Zealand freshwater systems, 2010. Lincoln, Manaaki Whenua Press. 273 p.
Clarkson BD, Clarkson BR 2010. Pattern and process of vegetation change (succession) in recent volcanic landscapes of New Zealand and Hawaii. In: Nakao T, Yasuda T ed. Proceedings: Proceedings of the international symposium "Plants and Volcanoes", Fuji-Yoshida. Pp. 9-18. http://hdl.handle.net/10289/5718
Watts CH, Clarkson BR, Didham RK 2008. Rapid beetle community convergence following experimental habitat restoration in a mined peat bog. Biological conservation 141(2): 568-579.
Moore TR, Clarkson BR 2007. Short communication: Dissolved organic carbon in New Zealand peatlands. New Zealand journal of marine and freshwater research 41(1): 137-141.
Clarkson BR, Clarkson BD 2006. Restiad bogs in New Zealand. In: Rydin H, Jeglum J ed. The biology of peatlands. Biology of habitats. Pp. 228-232
Clarkson B, Buxton R 2005. Non-Sphagnum peatlands of New Zealand. Moorlands from Siberia to fire country. 85 ed. Stapfia. Linz, Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseen. Pp. 408-411
Clarkson BR, Schipper LA, Moyersoen B, Silvester WB 2005. Foliar 15N natural abundance indicates phosphorus limitation of bog species. Oecologia 144(4): 550-557.
Clarkson BR, Schipper LA, Lehmann A 2004/3. Vegetation and peat characteristics in the development of lowland restiad peat bogs, North Island, New Zealand. Wetlands 24(1): 133-151.
Clarkson BR, Schipper LA, Clarkson BD 2004. Vegetation and peat characteristics of restiad bogs on Chatham Island (Rekohu), New Zealand. New Zealand journal of botany 42: 293-312.
Sorrell B, Reeves P, Clarkson B 2004. Wetland management and restoration. In: Harding JS, Mosley MP, Pearson CP, Sorrell BK ed. Freshwaters of New Zealand. Wellington, New Zealand Hydrological Society and New Zealand Limnological Society. Pp. 40.1-40.12
Clarkson BD, Downs TM, Clarkson BR 2003. Predicting extinction of the northernmost Coprosma pedicellata population, Waikura Stream, Gisborne. New Zealand natural sciences 28: 111-118.
Walker LR, Clarkson BD, Silvester WB, Clarkson BR 2003. Colonization dynamics and facilitative impacts of a nitrogen-fixing shrub in primary succession. Journal of vegetation science 14: 277-290.
Whinam J, Hope GS, Clarkson BR, Buxton R, Alspach P, Adam P 2003. Sphagnum peatlands of Australasia : the resource, its utilisation and management. Wetlands ecology and management 11: 37-49.
Clarkson BR, Walker LR, Clarkson BD, Silvester WB 2002/12. Effect of Coriaria arborea on seed banks during primary succession on Mt Tarawera, New Zealand. New Zealand journal of botany 40(4): 629-638.
Clarkson B 2002. Swamps, fens and bogs. In: Clarkson B, Merrett M, Downs T ed. Botany of the Waikato. 7. Hamilton, Waikato Botanical Society. Pp. 49-57
Clarkson BR, Sorrell BK, Reeves PN, Champion PD, Partridge TR, Clarkson BD 2002. Handbook for monitoring wetland condition : coordinated monitoring of New Zealand wetlands. Wellington, Ministry for the Environment. 74 p
Schipper LA, Clarkson BR, Vojvodic-Vukovic M, Webster R 2002. Restoring cut-over restiad peat bogs: a factorial experiment of nutrients, seed and cultivation. Ecological engineering: -.
de Lange PJ, Heenan PB, Clarkson BD, Clarkson BR 1999/9. Taxonomy, ecology, and conservation of Sporadanthus (Restionaceae) in New Zealand. New Zealand journal of botany 37(3): 413-431.
Clarkson BR, Thomson K, Schipper LA, McLeod M 1999. Moanatuatua bog : proposed restoration of a New Zealand restiad peat bog ecosystem. In: Streever W ed. An international perspective on wetland rehabilitation. Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic. Pp. 127-137
Schipper LA, McLeod M, Clarkson BR, Vojvodic-Vukovic M, Taylor MD 1998. Gradients of microbial biomass, anaerobically-mineralizable N and some physical properties in a restiad peat bog. International peat journal 8: 71-75.
Shearer JC, Clarkson BR 1998. Whangamarino wetland : effects of lowered river levels on peat and vegetation. International peat journal 8: 52-65.
Clarkson BR 1997/6. Vegetation recovery following fire in two Waikato peatlands at Whangamarino and Moanatuatua, New Zealand. New Zealand journal of botany 35(2): 167-179.
Clarkson BR, McGlone MS, Lowe DJ, Clarkson BD 1995/2. Macrofossils and pollen representing forests of the pre-Taupo volcanic eruption (c. 1850 yr BP) era at Pureora and Benneydale, central North Island, New Zealand. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 25(2): 263-281.
Clarkson BR, Clarkson BD 1995. Recent vegetation changes on Mount Tarawera, Rotorua, New Zealand. New Zealand journal of botany 33(3): 339-354.
Clarkson BD, Clarkson BR 1994. Ecology of an elusive endemic shrub, Pittosporum obcordatum Raoul. New Zealand journal of botany 32(2): 155-168.
Clarkson BD, Clarkson BR 1994. Vegetation decline following recent eruptions on White Island (Whakaari), Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. New Zealand journal of botany 32(1): 21-36.
Clarkson BR, Clarkson BD 1993. Auckland. Forest service mapping series 6. Sheet 2. Rotorua, Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research. - p
- Honorary Lecturer, University of Waikato
- Trustee, The National Wetland Trust of New Zealand