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Standard key to NZ Pentatomidae and unwanted exotic species

An update of Larivière (1995)'s key, intended for thorough diagnosis; aimed at diagnosticians and/or entomologists.

How to use the key

  • Keys are based on text couplets – two statements in contrast with each other that provide alternative characters to identify species.
    • By selecting/agreeing with one statement (hyperlinked text ending with NEXT ») the key moves to the NEXT couplet; the process is repeated until an identification is reached.
  • Key couplets are illustrated – image thumbnails appear under couplet statements.
    • Thumbnails should be clicked and enlarged so that morphological characters can be viewed in sufficient detail to assist identification.
  • Key end points – identification is reached – the name of a species is obtained.
    • The species name links to a factsheet that provides further information, including images of the main diagnostic characters for a particular species.

Examination of some characters in the keys may require the use of a hand lens or other magnifying device (e.g., microscope or zoomed-in photo from a camera or smart phone).

Rostrum (beak) with first segment thick, directed away from head, exposed, at most with its base lying between bucculae (ridges underneath head). NEXT »

Rostrum (beak) with first segment slender, not directed away from head, almost entirely hidden between bucculae (ridges underneath head). NEXT »