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Discaria toumatouCoprosma propinquaAnthoxanthum odoratumDactylis glomerata shrubland

[Discaria toumatou] and [Coprosma propinqua] over exotic grasses in a geographic outlier of this alliance.Cobb Valley, Kahurangi National Park

[Discaria toumatou] and [Coprosma propinqua] over exotic grasses in a geographic outlier of this alliance. Cobb Valley, Kahurangi National Park

Common name: Matagouri shrubland
Code: A: S4

Where does it occur?

This 227 000 ha alliance was sampled only on the South Island east of the Main Divide in cool (mean annual temperature = 7.0 ± 1.4° C), and the driest (mean annual precipitation = 1053 ± 126 mm) locations sampled (Fig. 2). Altitudes range from 195–900 m.


The shrubland is dominated by Discaria toumatou and Coprosma propinqua in the canopy and the exotic grasses Anthoxanthum odoratum and Dactylis glomerata in the ground layer. In addition to Discaria toumatou, the exotic species Verbascum thapsus, Rosa rubiginosa, Rumex acetosella, Arenaria serpyllifolia and Geranium sessiliflorum are diagnostic. This alliance has the most exotic species of any alliance (average 24 ± 1.5 species per plot, half the total species richness. In addition to those already noted above Crepis capillaris and Trifolium repens are also especially common (frequency >75%). Grasses comprise a high proportion of the species present, on average 11 species per plot. This alliance is especially vulnerable to goat browse, with a high proportion of goat-selected species of any class, but is relatively resistant to deer browse, with a high proportion of deer-avoided species. It provides low levels of resources for birds.

Indicator species

Co-occurrence of Rosa rubiginosa OR
Anthoxanthum odoratum, Coprosma propinqua and Discaria toumatou OR
Anthoxanthum odoratum, Dactylis glomerata and Discaria toumatou.

Stand characteristics

Mean canopy height (m): 2 m (range 0.6–6)
Mean stem density (stems/ha): NA
Mean basal area (m2/ha): NA


Relationship Name Author
overlaps with Coprosma, Olearia scrub [Grey scrub] Singers & Rogers (unpublished)
overlaps with Grey scrub: Lower altitudes in the South Island  Wardle (1991)

Component Associations

Discaria toumatou / Anthoxanthum odoratumFestuca novae-zelandiae shrubland

Common name: Matagouri shrubland
Code: a: S9

Where does it occur?

This 52 900 ha association has been sampled primarily on the South Island where it mostly occurs east of the southern alps from the Kaikoura Ranges south to the Takatimu Mountains. Sites range from flat to steeply sloping (40º). Altitudes range from 110 to 1080 m.


This shrubland association is, on average, 2 m tall but can range from 0.3 to 10 m. It tends to be species-rich with an average of 40 species on a plot which can range from 18 to 68, many (40%), however, are exotic species.

Relationships with other Alliances

Although this alliance occurs in areas that have been disturbed periodically by fire, there is no evidence of succession to other woody alliances.


Wiser, S.K., J.M. Hurst, R.B. Allen, E.F. Wright. 2011. New Zealand’s forest and shrubland communities: a classification based on a nationally representative plot network. Applied Vegetation Science 14: 506-523.

Wiser, S.K.; De Cáceres, M. 2013. Updating vegetation classifications: an example with New Zealand's woody vegetation. Journal of Vegetation Science 24: 80-93.

De Cáceres M, Legendre P, Wiser SK, Brotons L (2012) Using species combinations in indicator value analyses. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3(6): 973-982.